A number of organizations are still continuing their campaign for people to volunteer abroad. Being overseas for a whole new meaning, is not only exciting but also a mind blowing and opening experience due to the obvious fact that one will be exposed to a different culture, lifestyle, tradition and languages.
However, volunteering overseas is not just about having fun. But rather a great way to help people, teach the local community important lessons and so much more. Indeed, volunteering overseas is an eye opening experience to both the volunteers and the local community. More so, as volunteers experience life outside of their accustomed lifestyle they would learn to appreciate what they have and how lucky they are.
For a first timer, there’s no doubt that such program is entirely overwhelming. But despite all the uncertainties and the amount of sacrifice one has to make, surely there are great benefits awaiting for you. Not only will you be able to travel for free and offer help to the community but also, this will be one of your greatest life experiences as well.
As a famous phrase implies, life starts at the end of your comfort zone. Being away from your parents, accustomed lifestyle, easy and simple everyday life and modern technology is not a simple thing to do however, letting go of such comfort at least temporarily seems to be totally worth it at the end of every program.
As the days go by though and you get accustomed to hearing the language around, you will eventually understand and learn to speak the language. Most often than not, english speaking volunteers have the responsibility on teaching english as a second language into the community. Lessons would include proper usage and correct grammar.
Man do have ridiculous ways to adapt in a new environment and which is why adapting their language will seem to be more easier now. Apart form learning their language, as an English speaker you will be teaching English as a second language to the natives. As the lessons are technical, this could even improve your usage on the language, English.
Usually English speakers will be asked to teach the whole community about English, the proper way to use as well as the correct grammar. Living in a foreign country also means eating their native cuisine. Hence, volunteering oversees allows you to explore all the native cuisines and its different, awkward and even delicious taste.
Volunteering overseas could actually result to better manners. Before volunteers will be flown to their respective communities, they will receive a few lessons about proper behavior, conversation, gestures and manner to avoid offending the other party. Due to cultural differences Americans could be highly blunt, insensitive and rowdy too. This culture may be offensive to a local community.
It may not be that simple to leave your comfort zone and volunteer abroad however, it remains to be the most fulfilling thing anyone could ever do. Kids as young as 15 years old could start volunteering overseas. Being in a foreign country for volunteer work is actually a great boost to your resume too.
You can visit the website www.crosscontinental.org for more helpful information about What Makes Volunteer Abroad Programs Beneficial